Problem Choosing the Right Supplement?
HERE we will guide u..
Sometimes CHOOSING what supplement is hard!
By looking at your body type, we will help u get through with it.
STEP 1. Choose Your Bodytype Below
Supplement We Suggest:
1. Mass/ Weight Gainer
Weight gain products are the most important supplement for skinny guys. Muscle building is all about calories for ectomorphs, often ectomorphs need to have a higher surplus than other body types. Weight gain shakes provide a massive injection of calories and BCAAs, essential for growth.
Best weight gainers: Prolab N-Large II, BSN Truemass & CytoSport CytoGainer2. Casein Protein
Typically, skinny guys have raging metabolisms! This is one of the factors that hinders lean muscle growth. Most skinny guys will tell you that they tend to eat more often than other, even if they’re not training. Casein protein is important because it releases slowly which means (especially during the night) that your muscles don’t go hungry. Casein protein can take up to 7 hours to be completely absorbed which means a longer lasting fuel source for your muscles.
Best casein products: ON 100% Casein Protein3. Creatine
Anyone serious about performance should be taking creatine. Creatine is not just for weight training, but a near-essential for all sports from sprinting to Bass fishing! Ectomorphs need all the extra help they can get, and creatine can help push out those extra few rep in the gym!
Best creatine products: BSN Cellmass,any reputable creatine monohydrate